Zhihan Zhao

In CCT Life

Seed backgroud

The Inception

The Watering Can

The Giants

The earth

My Creations


Useful Reference


This Avatar is made with everyday items: hairpin, watering can, and mainly the card papers, that can be easily add or redraw with research going. One thing that needs to improve is the find a way to represent “Thoughts” that pop out from the mind.

The Inception

In the movie Inception, Cobb used a complex dreaming machine to plant an idea but now is 2020 already, we don’t need some sci-fi machines, social media can help us do so, without a trace.

First, we need an idea, such as something to buy. After the seed is carefully planted, water it every day with the magic social media watering can. The idea remains unknow until it pops out, just like you want to promote your product, customers are convinced but turned to a cheaper store. That is why it is necessary to treat the “seed” carefully.

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My Creations

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Want to read some long fresh written essays? Wish granted!

The Giants


Brace, P., & Hinckley, B. (1992). Follow the leader : opinion polls and the modern presidents . BasicBooks.

Authors hold several case studies for US government elections to study the influence of the media in public opinions. 

Brown, D., & Hayes, N. (2008). Influencer marketing : who really influences your customers? . Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann.

Business book for introducing influencer marketing. The book provided the development of influencer marketing as well as how to conduct an influencer marketing

Hovland, C., & Stouffer, S. (1953). Studies in social psychology in World War II … [Princeton University Press].

Controversy to Paul Lazarsfeld’s the Limited Effects theory, the study provides another explanation for the influential power of mess media. Plus, it gives an example of the extreme situation in the media as in war.

Influencermarketinghub. (2020, March 27). Retrieved from https://influencermarketinghub.com/influencer-marketing-case-studies/#:~:text=%208%20Influencer%20Marketing%20Case%20Studies%20with%20Incredible,an%20Australian%20fresh%20meal%20company%20that…%20More%20

Eight examples of influencer marketing

Iqra, N. (2020, June 10). Retrieved from https://www.simplypsychology.org/confirmation-bias.html 

Author introduces the confirmation bias as well as giving out examples for the bias

Jerabek, H. (2001). Paul Lazarsfeld–The Founder of Modern Empirical Sociology: A Research Biography. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 13(3), 229–244. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijpor/13.3.229

Information for Paul Lazarsfeld and his two-step-flow with implication of current use in current research like social media.

Katz, E., & Lazarsfeld, P. (1955). Personal influence; the part played by people in the flow of mass communications. Free Press.

Arthur states the public has limited trust with mass media and raised the hypothesis that opinion leaders are required. This argument can help wo discover the formation of influencer

Lazarsfeld, P., & Merton, R. (1948). Mass communication popular taste and organized social action.

The book discussed the relationship between mass communication and public tastes, and the function of company in the flow of information passing.

Merriam-Webster. Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/inception#synonym-discussion

Definition of the word inception. Used to trace the original meaning.

Mitchell, G. (2015). Public Opinion, Thinly Sliced, and Served Hot. International Journal of Communication, 9, 21–45.

The article shows the public opinions towards the Annies Program. From the opinions, the pros and cons of two-step-flow can be indicated

Moreno, J. (1953). Who shall survive? Foundations of sociometry, group psychotherapy and sociodrama. ([Rev. ed]). Beacon House.

In this book, Jacob first used graphic social network chart to interpret problem, and after years of evolution, methods are changed but concept described in the book remains

Monica, P. (2016, November 28). Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/two-step-flow-model-of-communication

Monica introduced how Two-Step-Flow implied on the model and give the example on people’s reaction in election voting 

Müller-Doohm, S., & Livingstone, R. (2005). Adorno : a biography . Polity Press.

Adorno’s biography. The book records the opinion of Adorno toward Annie’s program and states the reason for him quitting the program.

Nolan, C. (Producer), & Nolan, C. (Director). (2010). Inception [Motion picture]. United States: Warner Bros.

Introduction uses the movie quote to illustrate the idea of inception, as well as the reason for choosing it as a keyword.

Oxfordreference. Retrieved from https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100106197 

The definition of Limited Effect theory that defined in Oxfordreference website

Podsakoff, P., & Schriesheim, C. (1985). Field Studies of French and Raven’s Bases of Power: Critique, Reanalysis, and Suggestions for Future Research. Psychological Bulletin, 97(3), 387–411. https://doi.org/10.1037/0033-2909.97.3.387

The reanalysis for French and Raven’s Bases of Power, giving the valuable suggestions for future related researches.

Raven, B., & Rubin, J. (1976). Social psychology: people in groups. Wiley.

5 types of power of influencers was illustrated in the book, by comparing with recent influencers, we can know which power was enhanced and which is undermined as forming a certain group.

Scott, J. (2013). What is social network analysis? . Bloomsbury Academic.

The book gives a good introduction to social network analysis, including history, method and case studies, so it is a good starting point for research. Plus, the book is newer than other cited books so it gives better critical information based on recent year situations.

Watson, J. (1959). Behaviorism ([Rev. ed). University of Chicago Press.

One of the most famous books written by Watson. Authur raised the “twelve infants” example , and this essay uses the theory to differentiate the difference between learning and inception.

Wilson, R. (2018, May 5). Retrieved from https://www.practicalecommerce.com/viral-principles

Wilson points out six factors in viral marketing and gives Hotmail marketing campaign as the example of viral marketing. 

Yusuf, U. (2019, February 22). Retrieved from https://www.communicationtheory.org/limited-effects-theory/

Yusuf briefly introduced the process of how Limited Effect theory became the premise of  the Two-Step-Flow theory
